About this website
This website wouldn’t exist without the many people who have helped me with my coding skills, creativity, and passion for digital photo frames – above all, Paddy, Helge, and Jeff.
I am not the author of Pi3D PictureFrame, but I fully take credit for nudging Paddy many years ago – and the others since then – into continuing work on this wonderful piece of software and fostering a community of digital picture frame enthusiasts.
My contribution is the documentation of this project, the enhancement of many features around the edges with useful Python scripts, and new ideas for keeping it improving.
I also try to help fellow builders as best as I can or direct them to someone who may have the answer.
No commercial digital photo frame comes close to what you can do with Pi3D PictureFrame. The commercial market appears too small to invest much time into product research and management; most manufacturers of larger frames only survived for a few years.
Here’s how you can contribute:
- If you find an error on my site, please let me know.
- If you have a suggestion for a new feature of you have found a better way to achieve a particular result, I’d be very interested to hear about it.
- If you have built a great digital picture frame, please add it to our user gallery!
- If you would like to write a guest post on an exciting topic related to digital picture frames, contact me! (only from fellow builders, not SEO agencies)
- If you manufacture digital picture frames and would like to send me a review unit, please contact me. However, please be advised that my product reviews are always unbiased and solely based on my experience as a user.
- If you have a problem with Pi3D PictureFrame, please let the developers know directly on Github.
Feel free to link to my articles as you like!
In any case, drop me an email in either English, German, or French.
This is a hobbyist website for tinkerers like us.
Greetings from Frankfurt am Main, Wolfgang
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